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In Rwanda peace means...

6 octobre, 2011
Est. Reading: 1 minute

For Rwandans, peace means feeling comfortable with those around them. It means not being forced to live in isolation, keeping to themselves. It also means people act towards others in a way they wish for themselves.

Rwandans can draw strength from peace as they work towards a common goal. Living honestly and abiding by the law builds unity and reconciliation – two of the most important pillars to lasting peace.

These words of peace are part of the 2 minute TV spot made by IRDP, Interpeace local partner in Rwanda. Made in Kinyarwandan, the local language, it was aired on Rwandan TV as part of the 2011 World Peace Day ‘Make Your Voice Heard’ campaign.

Staff from IRDP, joined Bishop John Rucyahana from the Anglican Church and President of the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission, Regine Iyamuremye from IRDP’s Board, and Immaculée Ingabire, President of Transparency Rwanda  to make the announcement.

Together, they encourage the respect of the rights of every human being, to avoid intolerance and any other deeds that are wrong.

They also ask leaders to play their role in promoting sustainable peace in Rwanda.

See the ad in Kinyarwandan